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The Science & Technique of Heart Brain Harmonisation

The Science and Technique of Heart & Brain Harmonising.

Heart Brain Harmonisation: what is it? We are constantly told the analogy “To speak from the heart,” but we never really meant this in a literal sense but in a truthful and honest way. Today, scientists now know that this is actually literal.

In 1991, a French scientist named Armour (Karmic Destiny or what!) found 40,000 specialised cells (called sensory neurites) concentrated in a small area of the heart. These cells form a neural network that thinks, feels, and remembers independently from the cranial brain!

This communication between the heart and brain is a dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue, with both organs in ways that significantly affect our performance and how we perceive and react to the world. (Heart and Brain Harmonisation)

Science is only starting to recognise the potential for healing trauma, not just the traumatic memory in the brain but healing the memory in the heart.

There are approximately 5,000 heart transplants a year around the world, and there have been many cases where a heart recipient begins to assume the donor’s characteristics; this is more evidence of heart memory.

In society, we are conditioned to start thinking with the brain from a very young age, and so discount the intuition from our heart, unlike some indigenous cultures such as the Kogi in South America where the children are taught firstly from the heart and so develop excellent intuitive skills from very young. Neither of these ways is good or bad but just very different ways of embracing the potential that’s been with us from the beginning of our human existence.

When we harmonise these two neural networks, we gain access to super information processing and obtain superhuman abilities; it opens the door as a hotline to the subconscious. Heart and Brain Harmonisation can be a powerful practice.

We don’t have to have hypnosis or be in an altered state but be self-healing as we know we are.

Why do we need to access our subconscious??

A short story to a very long story is when you’re in your mother’s womb until you are about six years old. Then, we begin to absorb from our environment patterns of personality and behaviour patterns from our caregivers, parents, etc. From the time we are in the womb hearing from our mother’s stomach, we are in a sponge-type brain state called the hypnogogic trance, and we don’t know how to filter what’s coming in. So, this is nature’s way of preparing us to be in the world. We absorb these patterns unconsciously to learn how to respond to the world.

So, if you’re born into a very stable and healthy solid family, that’s great! But if you’re not, then we pick up the unhealthy patterns/habits of relationships of lovers, friends, siblings, and parents.

Our relationship with our bodies all links back to the subconscious ways that may not be the healthiest, and through access to the subconscious, we can change those. By accessing the subconscious, We can create new, healthy, vibrant patterns to affirm life. Harmonizing gives us access to extraordinary states of deep intuition on demand.

How many times have you stopped at a red traffic light and waited for it to change? You remain there in an open state, and that openness invites intuition. You start to think about your life and get revelations about where your life will go, about the world, and about the meaning of the universe, and it’s crystal clear, but then the lights turn green. And then we think, where did that come from?

How can I get that back? By doing heart and brain harmonisation.

The Heart-Brain Language and Benefits of heart-brain harmonisation.

When you harmonise, your body recognises the language, and we set up a conversation between the two, which releases 1300 biochemical reactions that include: –

  • Compassion
  • Empathy
  • Deep Intuition
  • Fast Learning
  • Anti-ageing Hormones
  • Respiration
  • Heart rate and blood pressure
  • Powerful Immune Responses

These kick into overdrive along with numerous cardiovascular benefits and much more.

It’s essentially a hotline to the subconscious.

The Technique

Three simple steps for 3 minutes once or twice a day.

  1. Connect with your heart by physically touching its centre in whatever way is comfortable for you, such as placing your palm or fingers on its sternum. Allow your awareness to go to the place on your body where you feel that touch.
  2. Slow your breathing for 5 seconds on inhaling 5 seconds on the exhale. This powerful practice signal tells your body you are switching from the brain to the heart mode. Let go of all the stress hormones, release healing chemistry, and tell the body we are safe.
  3. Feel one of 4 feelings:
    Care for anything or anyone
    Appreciation for anything or anyone
    Gratitude for anything or anyone
    Compassion for anything or anyone.

This ancient and primal practice, done regularly at the start and end of the day, is undoubtedly instrumental to “Speaking from the heart” and performing at an optimum emotional and spiritual level.


Miguel Silva


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