Kambo Retreat Options

We offer two standard packages, or together we can create a custom healing retreat for you. Join our mailing list to receive retreat dates. A minimum of 50% deposit will secure your place and confirm your booking.

Retreat prices are all inclusive of meals and accommodation during the retreat days.

Cash, Bank Transfer, Pay Pal or Crypto Welcome

Basic 3-Day Kambo Retreats

Arrival is usually on a Thursday to get you settled in and relaxed.
Kambo ceremonies include Hape and Sananga but are not compulsory.

* 3 x Kambo Ceremonies
* 3 x Water Ceremony
* 1 Fire Ceremony
* All meals
* Accommodation

Depart Monday morning.

The cost to join a group retreat with no more than four others ( 5 in total) is €450pp
One to One retreat €600. If you need more time with us, you are welcome to stay at €35 per day without food and €45 including meals. Please book extra days in advance where possible so we can cater for your stay.

Intensive 3-Day Kambo Retreats

A Kambo intensive is for people that are either experienced with Kambo or want to work on a deep level with this modality.

  • 3 x Kambo Ceremonies
    1. Day 1 – Single Kambo Ceremony
    2. Day 2 – Double Kambo Ceremony (Have two Kambo sessions in a row)
    3. Day3 – Tripple Kambo Ceremony (Receiving three Kambo sessions in a row)
    This is known as the warrior initiation.
  • Water Ceremony
  • Fire Ceremony
  • Intention Setting & Blockage Identification
  • Three meals a day
  • Accommodation

  • The cost to join a group retreat with no more than four others ( 5 in total) is €500pp
  • One to One retreat €700
  • If you need more time with us, you are welcome to stay at €35 per day without food and €45 including meals. Please book extra days in advance where possible so we can cater for your stay.

Where does Kambo come from?

Kambo is a traditional Amazonian remedy that comes from the secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolour tree frog. It has been used by several indigenous cultures in the Amazon rainforest, and these people revere kambo for its powerful, purgative therapy. These traditional cultures capture the tree frogs in the forest, gently scrape the kambo secretions from the frog’s skin, and then release the frogs into the jungle unharmed after their healing toxins are harvested.

Kambo is not a drug or psychoactive and is legal to use in most places worldwide, except in parts of Australia where there is a ban. 

Now, the rest of the world is becoming enlightened to the powerful kambo cleanse treatment, and you can benefit from Kambo’s powers outside of the deep Amazon jungle. But, first, you have to find the right practitioner to assist you with your kambo cleanse.

What does Kambo do?

Do you feel that you have negative energies or emotional toxins that are holding you back from the life you want to have? Do you feel stressed and bogged down by your life? These negative energies can sabotage your desire for a peaceful, balanced life, causing physical and emotional distress. They can even thwart your dreams and desires, taking away your courage and keeping you from pursuing the life you want. With a kambo cleanse, you can let go of what is holding you back, reignite your courage, pursue your dreams, reclaim your true self, and embrace joy.

Kambo can purify your body and mind, balancing each level of your being. It can systematically remove your personal distortions and impurities, giving you a deeper understanding of yourself and the life that is around you. It clarifies your mind and body and enlightens your spirit. Finally, it cleanses your body, emotions, and spirits to put you into a balanced, joyful natural state.

What is a Kambo cleanse like?

It is important to always take kambo in a safe, supportive setting with an experienced practitioner. This will increase your chances of having the most positive experience possible. In a kambo ceremony, the kambo is applied to a person’s skin, usually on the arm, through tiny holes burned into the skin.


Different people may react differently to a kambo cleanse. It can cause you to sweat, shake, cry, vomit, get muscle cramps, or go into a state of bliss. Although it can be temporarily painful and make you feel ill, the kambo process takes around twenty minutes. After a short rest, you will feel relaxed and realize the transformative power of the kambo cleanse and feel uplifted, purified, and happy. In fact, even the people who experience the most negative side effects tend to come out of the cleanse asking, “Can I do this again?”

After your cleanse, you may experience a powerful reduction in negative energies, a decrease in pain, a feeling of joy and happiness; I often hear people say they can’t say exactly what has shifted, but they feel a change. I am not allowed to say that Kambo can heal or mention any health conditions, so please do your research online to find some of the magic stories (My story is under the “About Me” page. Whatever you are struggling with, mental, physical, or spiritual blockages, Kambo can be a powerful ally in shifting these blockages., Creating balance and realignment.s

What is the science behind Kambo?

Nobel prize nominee Vittorio Erspamer, a chemist and pharmacologist from the University of Rome, wrote extensively about the science behind kambo.


He identified and studied more than 60 chemical compounds, including the very well-known compound serotonin. He once wrote that kambo contains “a fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequalled by any other amphibian.” His studies showed that kambo was able to bind with receptor sites in the human brain, triggering beneficial reactions.

Kambo contains at least nine bioactive peptides that perform specific functions and affect human blood circulation, the adrenal cortex, the pituitary gland, the pancreas, and the gastrointestinal system:

  • Bradykinins (phyllokinin)
  • Tachykinins (phyllomedusin)
  • Cerulean
  • Sauvagine
  • Tryptophyllins
  • Dermorphins
  • Deltorphins
  • Bombesins
  • Andenoregulin

Some of these peptides are similar to our hormones. Others assist in vital cellular processes within the body. Scientists are working to isolate these peptides and study them further.

Unlike many other pharmaceuticals, kambo can cross the blood-brain barrier. This property allows it to treat conditions that are otherwise very difficult to treat.

However, there are currently no peer-reviewed studies to reference. Therefore, while there is a lot of anecdotal evidence, there is no scientific evidence that the peptides in kambo will treat your medical conditions. Therefore, we will not make any medical claims until we have the science to back them up.

Read more research papers HERE.

Is Kambo Safe?Kambo

People have been using kambo as a treatment for hundreds of years. Deep in the Amazon rainforest, some people have taken kambo more than 100 times in their lifetime. This shows that kambo, when used correctly, is a safe therapy. However, problems may occur when used outside of the tribal setting with people who do not know how to use it correctly. Therefore, you should always ensure that the practitioner administering your kambo cleanse is highly trained and experienced.

Please note that Kambo is not for you if you meet/have any of the following conditions:

Heart bypass surgery
Enlarged heart
Bipolar disorder
Pericardial effusion
Congestive heart disease
Addison’s disease
Implanted cardioverter-defibrillators
Heart valve replacement
Excess fluid in the heart sack
Organ transplant
Taking Diuretics
Taking medicine for blood clots. 
Serious mental health problems (excluding PTSD, depression and anxiety
Receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Taking immunosuppressants for an organ transplant
Recovering from a major surgical procedure.
 A person that is water fasting for more than 12 hours.
A person received an enema within three days prior. 
A person has consumed 5meoDMT (Bufo) in the past month.
A person has consumed other strong plant medicine (e.g. San Pedro, Ayahauaca, Mushrooms) within 24 hours of wanting to receive Kambo.
Some prescription drugs (I will check this with you before treatment)
A person has not reached their 18th birthday.
A person has reached their 70th birthday.
The person is being cajoled into doing Kambo by another person (including a family member) 
The person lacks the mental capacity to decide to take Kambo. 
The person is desperate for a solution to a life-threatening problem.
The person consumed large amounts of water before arriving at Kambo.
A person has eaten within 8 hours of receiving Kambo. 
The person has not consumed 1-1.5L of water immediately before receiving Kambo.

This is not an exhaustive list, so please do your research or contact me.