Categories: Teachings

It’s all about Telomeres

What are Telomers? Some people say, “Why would I want to live until my 80s or 90s?”

Did the Buddhists refer to Telomeres? Ancient Buddhists said that “first you must learn to control the body”, which means healthy eating and exercise. Then, you must control the mind, which includes addictions/habits, sexual urges, negative thought patterns, and I could go on. Then, the spirit will follow,” with meditating, yoga, etc.

So increasing your lifespan will lengthen the time to do more spiritual practices and give you a better quality of life into advanced age. Science is now starting to catch up to show proof that this is indeed the case.

What are Telomeres? And how are they linked to ageing?

You don’t need to be a scientist to know that ageing is complex. It starts in our cells and results in a gradual decline of our body’s systems. Scientists have proposed various theories of how this occurs.

However, in 2009, Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider, and Jack Szostak jointly won the Nobel Prize for discovering how telomeres protect chromosomes.

A simple way to think of chromosomes, which carry all our genetic information, is as shoelaces; telomeres are the little protective tips that protect them from fraying and disintegrating.

 Telomeres at the ends of chromosomes help protect DNA from damage and allow chromosomes to replenish during each cell division (or wrong lifestyle choice).

The good news is that these telomeres can be regenerated and LENGTHENED with a healthy lifestyle!

So, let’s go over the five strategies to lengthen your telomeres.

1. Focus on a plant-based-rich diet.

It’s well known now that avoiding animal and dairy foods reduces the chance of chronic disease and is associated with longer telomeres. As a result, many athletes eat a vegan/vegetarian diet to provide optimal performance.

2. Exercise.

When exercising, the key is to exercise to the recommended level for your age. Otherwise, you may damage your telomeres more than you do good. Seek good exercise advice.

3. Choose vitamin B folate-rich foods that can optimise telomere length.

Essential vitamin B is contained in spinach, asparagus, artichoke, broccoli, beans, and pulses.

Scientific studies found in 2009 that too much vitamin B can also be detrimental to telomere health. The best way to regulate optimal vitamin B is by these foods instead of supplements.

4. Get Shangriballa food and sunshine in your life, lol or vitamin D supplements.

Studies suggest a very strong link between vitamin D and telomere length. In addition, vitamin D has many bodily functions, including modulating inflammation, which protects telomeres and reduces oxidative stress.

5. Keep stress at bay.

Chronic stress levels reduce telomere length.

A study of two groups of women who had their telomeres measured: one group was mothers of healthy children, and the other group had chronically ill children. Due to the stress of the chronically ill children, the telomeres were significantly shorter than those of the other group. This shortening was the equivalent of 10 years of life and age-related illnesses.

This clarifies that relaxing exercises like yoga, meditation, tai chi, mindfulness, and similar practices can play a vital role in reducing stress levels and lengthening the telomeres.


At Shangriballa, we know the importance of a balanced lifestyle. We strive to grow organic foods, drink clean spring water and exercise. We believe spiritual practices such as heart and brain harmony, meditation and plant medicine can significantly decrease stress and lengthen telomeres and life expectancy.

Watch this 5-minute video below on lifestyle changes to lengthen the telomeres.

I hope you liked this short introduction to telomeres.


Miguel Silva.


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