My Healing Journey

My Illness was my calling, a call to work as a healer.

My journey with Kambo started in 2017 but my work as a healer was with me all my life. Following a period of widespread pain and numbness, I had an MRI brain scan and several repeated blood tests. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and a cyst in my brain in 2012 that left me needing full-time care. I lost my mobility and feeling in most of the left side of my body. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) was suspected, and so a challenging time with my health started.

I was in chronic pain, incontinent with a long list of symptoms and unable to work. During this time, I was on various medications to try and control my symptoms and failing health. The medication was causing me severe side effects, but I had no option but to take high doses of pain killers that increased in dosage very quickly. I was on 10ml of oral Morphine per day to allow me some pain-free time to get going.

A pain clinic in Cambridgeshire taught me how to live with chronic pain as it became clear that I was going to suffer from chronic pain for the rest of my life. 
 It was at this point that my Neurologist told me that there was nothing else that can be done for me. I refused to believe that this was going to be my life and decided to return to my roots alternative therapies and shamanism.

Through deep self-inquiry and spiritual research, I started to realize that there was a lot more to these illnesses than I thought. My healing had to start at an emotional and spiritual level before any change will come into my physical body. I became disconnected from spirit and this was my calling. I knew that there were plant medicines that could help my symptoms, but I wanted to work with plants that were going to heal me on an emotional and spiritual level.

I discovered past life regression, a method used and developed by “Deloris Cannon” called “QHHT” and decided to start here. I went to a past life event that showed me I did bring some of the trauma and illness into this life. I was able to do a lot of healing using the “QHHT” I started experiencing some improvement in my health, but I knew there was a lot more work to be done. 

What was my calling and why did this manifest in my life I wondered? 

I knew of African plant medicines but Ayahuasca a powerful medicine from the Amazon jungle that helped people heal emotionally and spiritually came to mind. I felt the calling to work with this plant medicine. Because I was on a lot of medication that was contraindicated with Ayahuasca, I could not receive the treatment at that time, but it turned out to be a blessing.  

I worked with my Doctor to stop the medication that wasn’t working for me anyway. Over a year, I finished all the drugs, and I was able to take Ayahuasca. From my first ceremony, healing started. I was able to release old stuck trauma and heal
It wasn’t a comfortable journey but one I am genuinely thankful for, it’s not easy to look in the mirror and then go away to fix the things that you saw was wrong, but the rewards if you are willing to do so are incredible.

It was through Ayahuasca that I met the frog spirit, I didn’t know what this frog spirit meant, but then I was told about Kambo. At this point, I healed my body significantly and was able to walk and function better, but I still had chronic pain in my legs.
I looked up Kambo and decided to sit with the medicine to see if there was still something that needed releasing that I wasn’t able to do with other therapies. From my first treatment with Kambo, the pain in my legs went and have not returned.

I felt an incredible connection with Kambo and the final stage of my healing was completed. I was able to release stuck energy that stored in my body that I didn’t even know was there. I know about all the medical benefits of Kambo, and that certainly played a role in my healing. Still, the spiritual and emotional healing that it facilitated in me was the shift that I needed. I heard the calling to work with spirit and I answered. I now live a healthy life better than ever before; I have such a strong connection with Kambo that I decided to train as a Kambo practitioner to help others experience the incredible power of the frog. 

I now work as a healer and medicine woman to help people that seek profoundly transformative healing.

It’s though self-transformation that I now help others to do the same. 

Viva Kambo