Kambo Safety Page

Is Kambo Safe?Kambo

People have been using kambo as a treatment for hundreds of years. Deep in the Amazon rainforest, some people have taken kambo more than 100 times in their lifetime. However, when used outside of the tribal setting with people who do not know how to use it correctly, problems may occur. You should always make sure that the practitioner administering your kambo cleanse is highly trained and experienced.

Although highly unlikely, Kambo can be dangerous. I will do a screening before every appointment to minimise the risk. I make all my clients aware of a condition called Boerhaave Syndrome: spontaneous oesophageal rupture resulting from sudden increased intra-oesophageal pressure. Again extremely rare, you can read more about it  HERE 

Please note that Kambo is not for you if you meet/have any of the following conditions:

Heart bypass surgery.
Enlarged heart.
Pericardial effusion.
Bipolar disorder.
Heart valve replacement.
Organ transplant.
Taking Diuretics.
Taking medicine for blood clots. 
Implanted cardioverter defibrillators.
Excess fluid in the heart sack.
Congestive heart disease.
Serious mental health problem (excluding PTSD, depression and anxiety
Within a month of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. 
Taking immunosuppressants for an organ transplant
Addison’s disease.
Recovering from a major surgical procedure.
Although not contraindicated the following can delay when you can have Kambo.  
A person that is water fasting for more than 12 hours before the treatment.
Liver and parasite cleanse please wait 5 days after you stop the treatment. 
A person received an enema within 3 days prior. A person has consumed 5meoDMT (Bufo) in the past month.  
Some prescription drugs (I will check this with you before treatment)
A person has not reached their 18th birthday. 
A person has reached their 65th birthday.  
The person is being cajoled into doing Kambo by another person (including a family member) 
The person lacks the mental capacity to decide to take Kambo. 
The person is desperate for a solution to a life-threatening problem.
The person has consumed large amounts of water before arriving at Kambo. 
A person has eaten within 8 hours of receiving Kambo. 
The person has not consumed 1-1.5L of water immediately before receiving Kambo.

This is not an exhaustive list, so please do your research or contact me.